Did you have a change of heart? You may feel overwhelmed by how much you either do or don’t want something as Venus retrograde begins. Everything that makes your life beautiful will undergo an intense review, so consider how Venus retrograde 2025 will affect each zodiac sign. This time around, Venus retrograde will change your love life, financial standing, and aesthetic forever.
Hailed as a minor benefic, Venus is the planet of love, money, and beauty. Venus typically has a positive reputation, since Venus can represent abundance and goodness. Venus may indicate your preferences in a partner and relationship. Venus in a horoscope may also represent opportunities to meet someone, start new relationships, or take a relationship to the next level. Aside from love, Venus is associated with wealth and prosperity. Natal Venus may indicate your relationship with money, while transit Venus may represent your opportunity to make money. Finally, Venus rules over all things beauty. It may refer to your style and aesthetic, or what makes your life beautiful.
On average, Venus stations retrograde every eighteen months, and the retrograde typically lasts around forty days. Although Venus retrograde doesn’t occur as often as Mercury retrograde, it can still be impactful. Retrogrades are a time to pause for the cause. Instead of trying to get something off the ground, a retrograde will encourage you to rethink, review, and revise whatever has already begun pre-retrograde. As Venus readies herself to station retrograde, you will notice abrupt changes in your love life, financial situation, and the overall beauty of life. Think of Venus retrograde as the perfect opportunity to reset your love life, remodel your financial situation, and remember what you find beautiful about your life.

One way to gauge how this may go is by considering the last time Venus retrograde was in Aries and Pisces. Think back to the winter of 2017. Whatever happened then may come up again during this Venus retrograde.
Venus retrograde will begin on March 1, since Venus will station retrograde in Aries at 7:36 p.m. ET, which will occur at 10 degrees. On this day, Venus retrograde will conjunct the moon in Aries and sextile Jupiter in Gemini. The cosmic energy suggests that your feelings may feel larger-than-life as you head into Venus retrograde. Despite having big feelings, you might be pleasantly surprised with how this retrograde turns out. Have faith that it won’t be as bad as you may anticipate it to be.
What can you expect from Venus retrograde in Aries? To start, Venus will be weaker than ever before, because Venus will be detriment. Since Venus doesn’t flourish in Aries, the initial retrograde energy might be harder to get acclimate to. You may need to pause for the cause instead of jumping into something headfirst. Venus retrograde in Aries will encourage you to be patient, considerate, and mindful. Don’t initiate something on a whim, or let your frustration spill over. Remember to take deep breaths to ground yourself when Venus retrograde in Aries stokes your impulsiveness. Thankfully, Venus retrograde in Aries can also assist with honing your strengths, such as your ability to initiate, fight for what you want, and be assertive.
A pertinent conversation about what you want will arise, because Mercury in Aries will align with Venus retrograde in Aries on March 11. Think of this as the iconic “What do you want?” scene from The Notebook. You might be like Noah, screaming at someone about what they want from you, or you could be like Allie, unsure of what you want. Either way, this could be a courageous yet aggressive conversation about a potential commitment. Proceed with caution.

Your conundrums will take an intense turn, as Venus retrograde in Aries works with Pluto in Aquarius on March 21. Tiny but mighty Pluto will expose Venus retrograde. Everything left unsaid and undiscovered will see the light of day. Whatever materializes could give you the perspective you need to regain control of your situation. It might be a lot to digest, but this will ultimately help you make an informed decision.
Get to the heart of the matter, when Venus retrograde in Aries is at the heart of the sun in Aries on March 22. This auspicious astrological alignment is known as a Venus cazimi, which seldom happens. Venus cazimi will offer a rare chance of undiluted strength, certainty, and clarity. Don’t doubt your ability to navigate the remainder of this retrograde period.
Shortly after the remarkable cazimi, Venus retrograde will leave Aries for Pisces on March 27, at 4:40 a.m. ET, which will last for the remainder of the retrograde period. This cosmic shift will act as a positive turning point, because Venus will be exalted. Since Venus will go from debilitated to dignified, the retrograde energy might be easier to work with. The same general themes will apply, so you may still have lessons to learn regarding love, money, and beauty. However, Venus retrograde in Pisces will encourage you to discern your intuition from imagination, establish compassionate boundaries, and save yourself before you save anyone else.
There will still be a few key cosmic events to keep an eye on during the remainder of Venus retrograde in Pisces. Don’t ignore these upcoming cosmic events to capitalize on Venus retrograde’s energy.

Have you taken off your rose-colored glasses yet? Get rid of your blinders when Venus retrograde in Pisces aligns with Neptune in Pisces on March 27. This nebulous alignment will occur at the critical anaretic degree, 29 degrees. You might feel like it’s now or never to see your situation for what it truly is. Although this could be illuminating, you could still be disarmed by hazy Neptune. Make sure you discern your intuition from illusion.
Fateful transactions, experiences, and more will synchronize once Venus retrograde in Pisces aspects the North Node of Fate and the South Node of Karma on April 1. At first, you might wonder if someone is playing an April Fool’s prank on you, because something will come into alignment amid the retrograde chaos and haze. Although it might seem too good to be true, you should still proceed with caution. You might be pleasantly surprised with this change in your destiny.
Don’t hesitate to adjust accordingly, since Venus retrograde in Pisces will be spurred into action by Mars in Cancer on April 6. You have an opportunity to capitalize on a rare burst of inspiration and momentum. Don’t drag your feet if there’s something you can do to alter your Venus retrograde experiences.
Venus retrograde begins on March 1 and ends on April 12.
Whatever happened at the beginning of Venus retrograde may come up in conversation again on April 7, since Mercury will station direct in Pisces and side with Venus retrograde in Pisces. Instead of fighting to be heard, you may have an easier time conveying your thoughts and feelings. There might be more compassion, empathy, and wisdom as you discuss your current situation.
As this occurs, you may feel like whatever happens will have a lasting impact, since Venus retrograde in Pisces will also collaborate with Saturn in Pisces on April 7. Your conversations will carry more weight than usual. Everyone will hold themselves and others accountable, which might help alleviate the strain in ongoing commitments, relationships, and negotiations. There could be a push to commit to something long-term, so trust your intuition if you have to decide on a tentative agreement.

Despite seeming stable, you may run into some unexpected twists and turns given that Venus retrograde in Pisces will run into Uranus in Taurus on April 8. When you least expect it, something will pop up at the last minute. Don’t fret. The potential surprises might be more serendipitous than off-putting.
Thankfully, Venus will station direct in Pisces on April 12, at 9:02 p.m. ET, which will occur at 24 degrees. On this day, a newly direct Venus in Pisces will aspect Saturn in Pisces, the North Node of Fate, the South Node of Karma, and Uranus in Taurus. As the retrograde ends, there might be lasting consequences that may have an unprecedented influence on your destiny. It might take some time to see how this will shake out. Luckily, the post-shadow period may allude to what will follow the end of Venus retrograde.
Despite the retrograde ending, the post-shadow period will last until May 16. Post-shadow periods give us the time to decompress from the retrograde. You can use this period to reflect on everything that did or didn’t happen. The retrograde’s energy will be considerably weakened, but have an echo effect throughout the post-shadow period. It would be wise to use this cosmic energy to wrap up anything left unfinished from the retrograde.

How Venus retrograde 2025 will affect each zodiac sign
Here’s what you can expect from Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):
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Do you like yourself, Aries? This loaded question will be on your mind, as Venus retrograde in Aries hits your first house of identity and appearance. You may not feel as self-assured as you usually do. Maybe you feel underwhelmed by your lack of progress, or uncomfortable in the skin you’re in. Perhaps you’re not surrounding yourself with the right people who make you feel good about yourself. Regardless, your self-confidence could take an initial hit. Although this might feel diminishing, Venus retrograde could help you identify what you need to work on.
Starting on March 27, you will have to change your mental approach once Venus retrograde enters Pisces and your twelfth house of the subconscious. There’s nothing wrong with how you look, dress, or act. If anything, you may realize that your self-perception needs to be rewired. How you think of yourself and mentally talk to yourself can make a massive difference with how much you love yourself. Change your subconscious tune. Be kinder, self-compassionate, and gentler with yourself. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Who can you trust, Taurus? You might be on high alert, since Venus retrograde in Aries will illuminate your twelfth house of hidden enemies. Trust will be shaken going into this cosmic period. Someone may say, or do something that reveals their true intentions toward you. Although you might feel disarmed, don’t let your paranoia get the best of you. Give yourself time to consider what this person means to you, and if they negatively impact your life. You may realize that there are preventive steps to take that could salvage your connection.
Beginning on March 27, Venus retrograde will enter Pisces and your eleventh house of community, which may cause you to reconsider your alliances. You may want to redefine what friendship means to you. Now that you have seen someone’s true colors, you know how to handle them. Don’t be afraid to establish boundaries and expectations if you want to keep your friendships. If this doesn’t work, you may need to come to terms with letting go of some of your friends who don’t positively influence your life. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Is there something you ought to reconsider, Gemini? Don’t write off an old dream, because Venus retrograde in Aries will reimagine your eleventh house of aspirations. Just because you gave up a long time ago doesn’t mean your aspirations aren’t worth pursuing. You have a rare opportunity to find the courage to try again. Whatever you had hoped for could become your reality. All you need is confidence. Don’t doubt your ability to make your dreams come true, and don’t lose sight of your dreams during this trying process.
Whatever you choose to pursue could redirect your life’s purpose once Venus retrograde enters Pisces and your tenth house of legacy on March 27. Your ongoing commitments might not completely align with your current intentions. It’s perfectly fine to adjust your arrangements if there’s something else you know you want to accomplish. If you give yourself this opportunity, you could look back on this period with a sense of completeness. You will feel more fulfilled pursuing your dreams as part of your life’s work. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Rewrite your life story, Cancer. It’s never too late to change everything, especially once Venus retrograde in Aries reinvents your tenth house of legacy. You may feel initially intimidated to make such a massive change. However, this could be one of your only chances to reinvent your purpose and what you want to be known for. You are never too old to change your life. Don’t let your fears deter you, since you will feel invigorated and excited when you align with your true purpose.
However, you may have to take two steps back before taking a step forward, since Venus retrograde will enter Pisces and your ninth house of journeying on March 27. Changing your life’s trajectory may ask you to revisit an old pathway. You will have a second chance to revisit your former forks in the road. Some unfinished journeys may coincide with traveling, education, or spiritual lessons. Give yourself the space to reconsider these pathways. You might be hesitant to retrace your steps, but doing so could help you shift into your highest timeline. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Expect to come upon a fork in the road, Leo. Take your time reflecting on your next steps when Venus retrograde in Aries pauses your ninth house of journeying. You might be tempted to rush into something new, like committing to a new experience or taking a trip. Although the temptation is there, you may want to wait. Old pathways, experiences, and journeys will beckon your attention. It’s time to revisit and finish something you started long ago before continuing in your life journey.
Revisiting these old opportunities you once aspired to do may not be worth it, as Venus retrograde enters Pisces and your eighth house of investments on March 27. The remainder of Venus retrograde will encourage you to reconsider how much time, energy, money, and more you will invest in your life’s journey. You may realize that one pathway doesn’t necessarily require as much as other possibilities do. In order for you to pursue one thing, you may need to pull back from another. Adjust accordingly to make the most of your resources and tools. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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How much do you have to give to get, Virgo? Pause your investments once Venus retrograde in Aries audits your eighth house of assets and debts. You may want to reconsider if something you are committed to is worth following through. Professional commitments may not require as much time, energy, and attention as you intended. Romantic investments may not reciprocate the love, vulnerability, and intimacy you have given. Think of this as a semi-harsh wake-up call. It’s time to pull back if you’re not getting a return on your investments.
Beginning on March 27, you may realize you’re not all-in once Venus retrograde enters Pisces and your seventh house of commitment. The second half of Venus retrograde may impact your financial agreements, professional arrangements, and romantic relationships. Anyone and anything you were heavily involved in is up for re-negotiations. Don’t readily renew any commitment if you’re not happy with it as is. Consider this your opportunity to redefine and reaffirm what you are looking for in all of your arrangements. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Commitment alone isn’t enough, Libra. Demand more when Venus retrograde in Aries challenges your seventh house of partnerships and contracts. Each relationship and arrangement should add something to your life, not take away from it. The retrograde’s energy will clearly show you which agreement and relationship aligns with your life. By proxy, it will also reveal where you have over-compromised. Gather your courage, because you will have to confront the problem head-on to get what you need. Although conflict might be challenging to avoid, it will show you what to do.
Your decision regarding each commitment may be determined by whatever someone does or doesn’t do once Venus retrograde enters Pisces and your sixth house of work. As the second half of Venus retrograde commences, you should look at your arrangement’s impact on your life. Does someone do the bare minimum, or do they aim to exceed your expectations? Does this agreement make your life easier or harder? Each commitment’s impact on your life, health, and productivity will be obvious. Stand your ground. You deserve so much better. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Life doesn’t have to be a snoozefest, Scorpio. Find your zest for life, as Venus retrograde in Aries impassions your sixth house of mundane activities. The last few months have been cosmically tough, so it’s no wonder you’ve lost your spunk. Luckily, this retrograde could revive your love for life. You might feel initially humdrum about it all, but this won’t last. Take a stand. Regain control of the narrative by acting like the main character you are. Don’t take this opportunity to live life to the fullest for granted.
More joy and spontaneity will flood your life when Venus retrograde enters Pisces and your fifth house of fun on March 27. The remainder of the retrograde could produce a few different opportunities. You may have a chance to revive your love and sex life. Let your passion, lust, and desire take control. You could revisit an old passion project, creative outlet, or hobby. Any creative blockages you once dealt with could lift if you power through. Honestly, this period could be whatever you choose to make of it. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Make your life more whimsical, Sagittarius. Romanticize your life, since Venus retrograde in Aries will reinspire your fifth house of joy. The last few months might have sucked the joy out of your life, but Venus retrograde could rekindle your passion. You may feel more amorous, which could help reignite the spark in your love and sex life. A desire to create something magical and pass your time enjoying your hobbies will resume. Capitalize on this energy by putting yourself out there to see what brings you joy.
Whatever you enjoy doing could become part of your inner world, because Venus retrograde will enter Pisces and your fourth house of lifestyle on March 27. You have an amazing opportunity to redo your lifestyle. Now is the perfect time to back away from commitments and personal relationships that don’t enhance your life. Replace these arrangements with activities you look forward to, goals you want to complete, and people who feel like family. You won’t regret giving your personal life a makeover. Aside from this, Venus retrograde could inspire you to breathe new life into old spaces. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Familial ties aren’t always enough, Capricorn. Reconsider how you want to handle family dynamics once Venus retrograde in Aries rouses your fourth house of home and family. It might be a particularly challenging period, especially if something has been left unsaid or unacknowledged since winter 2017. If the last eight years have been testy, the tension may finally surface. You have a rare opportunity to confront something head-on. Although you will be ready, your loved ones and found family members might not be. Keep this in mind as you navigate personal matters.
Ongoing conversations about what you want, need, and more will begin on March 27, since Venus retrograde will enter Pisces and your third house of communication. You may feel initially called to work with your siblings, cousins, and individuals who feel like a sibling to you. Consulting your immediate community will be crucial, since these connections can hold you accountable for what you need in your personal life. Luckily, this cosmic energy could lay any issues and residual frustration to rest if everyone is willing to work together. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Get back out there, Aquarius. Make an effort to fall back in love with your community, as Venus retrograde in Aries rekindles your third house of locality and communication. You may have felt alone these past few months. Following through with plans and finding things to do isn’t easy if you’re not in the right headspace to be social. This cosmic energy could revive your passion for building communities and networking. The key will be taking it slowly. Ease back into your social circles, planning fun outings, and attending events. Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once.
As you find your footing, your stability and security may look different around March 27, since Venus retrograde will enter Pisces and your second house of value systems. The second half of Venus retrograde may impact what you value in your life. You might feel strongly about the connections you want as you reconstruct your community. Venus retrograde in Pisces might also hit your financial capabilities. You could lose money or valuable items, but these might be temporary losses. There will be so much to gain from this celestial period. Read your full March monthly horoscope.
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Are you secure, Pisces? Think about what you need to feel good about yourself and your life, as Venus retrograde in Aries compromises your second house of value systems. It is time to reimagine what security means to you. Security might be the number in your bank account and your purchasing power. You may need to change your relationship with money to feel more prosperous. Security might be more intrinsic if you feel like your values are changing. You may require more than what material goods and a credit card can offer.
Once you discover what you value in the first half of Venus retrograde will impact the second half starting on March 27, since Venus retrograde will enter Pisces and your first house of selfhood. Your overall identity is subject to change based on what you hold in high esteem. How you feel about your prosperity, abundance, and security will directly impact who you are. Hopefully, this will have a lasting positive influence. Your self-confidence will increase by giving yourself higher standards. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Read your full March monthly horoscope.