There’s lots of nostalgic energy swirling around in your heart this month, and your Sagittarius horoscope for March 2025 gives you plenty of opportunities to channel your emotions into something more.

This month, Pisces season is activating your chart’s fourth house of family matters and memories, sending you into a flurry of feelings, and potentially inspiring you to work through things from your past. All this sentimentality isn’t usually your style, but facing your inner truth and allowing yourself to submerge in the realness of it all can actually fuel some fresh inspiration. Use it.

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This is especially true once clever Mercury enters your creativity zone on March 3, catalyzing a fun and playful flow of ideas. Love planet Venus is also retrograding through the same part of your chart starting March 1, giving you a chance to reconnect with your passions—and perhaps even reignite an old flame or two. This transit is known for bringing exes back into your life, after all.

Mid-month, the lunar eclipse on March 14 peaks in your ambitious tenth house, shaking up your professional trajectory and shifting the way you see yourself navigating your next moves. Do you feel like you’re in control of your own narrative and public image? If not, are you willing to open your heart to the role that fate plays in your journey? This eclipse is the start of an important new story when it comes to your career path over the next two years, so be willing to let go of what’s not serving you in the long run.

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On March 15, Mercury retrograde joins romantic Venus in its reverse motion, making it even more likely that you’ll reopen an old text thread with a lost lover or revisit an old passion project that got pushed to the back burner. The red-hot vibes of Aries season on March 20 burn off all the sappy water sign energy that Pisces had you soaked in, and you’ll feel flirty and fired-up through this whole first week of spring. The month wraps up with a solar eclipse in trailblazing Aries, aligning your spirit with all that brings you joy and excitement.